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Proofreader's Marks:
agr Agreement problem (subject/verb or pronoun/antecedent).
Eg: She walk home.
ambig Ambiguous
as w As worded
b/c Because
cap Capitalize
c/a Cause of action
c/b Could be
C conclusion
dm Dangling modifier
E.g. "While driving on Greenwood Avenue yesterday afternoon, a tree began to fall toward Wendy's car."
e.g. Example
ics Incomplete sentence
intro Introductory
j Jargon
j.c. Judgment call
LS Long sentence (break into shorter sentences)
mng Meaning
N Need
Nd Needed
orig Original
prob Probably
PVN? Passive voice needed?
Q Question
QP Question presented
R Reader
rep This point or passage repeats something covered earlier
RA Rule application
ROS Run-on sentence
RP Rule proof
Ru Rule
S Sentence
Ss Sentences
SS Sentence structure
sig Significance (usually with a ? which means "what is the significance of this?")
sing/pl Sentence mismatches singular and plural nouns and pronouns.
sp Check spelling of this word
stet Latin for "Let it stand." The proofreader uses this Latin term to indicate that proofreading marks calling for a change should be ignored and the text as originally written should be "let stand."
sub Subject
TS topic sentence
TS 1st Write a topic sentence before going into supporting information
unNd Unneeded
vb Verb
w/ With
W Wordy--this point could be covered in fewer words
wc Word choice
w/b Would be
WW Wrong word--another word will convey the meaning more accurately
1S¶ One-sentence paragraph--usually means point was not developed adequately because most points take more than 1 sentence to explain and support
~ Logical link between two sentences or paragraph is not clear
# Space needed here.