乔德睿是一位将总部设于中国的美国移民律师。他帮助客户办理美国签证、美国永居权和入籍申请,积累了超过30年的经验。他是美国移民律师协会(AILA)亚太分会的创办者之一,是美国商会中国签证委员会的联合主席,也是芝加哥肯特法学院的兼职教授。另外,他还撰写 Law and Border 博客.

乔德睿律师撰写过很多有关美国移民法律的专题文章,并且参与创作了多部美国移民法相关书籍。他的论述曾作为证词引用在美国国会和国会-行政部门中国问题委员会(Congressional-Executive Commission on China)。乔律师常接受主流媒体的邀请发表有关移民问题的专家评论,例如《华尔街日报》、《洛杉矶时报》、路透社、彭博社、美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、《今日美国》、《大西亚杂志》、《国家评论》、《滚石》、《芝加哥论坛报》、南加州广播电台(KPCC)、《电讯报》、《卫报》、《南华早报》、美国之音(VOA)、VICE传媒、中央电视台(CCTV) 新闻频道、中国国际广播电台(CRI)、英国广播公司(BBC)、德国广播电视联合会(ARD)等。
乔德睿律师于1989年在杜克大学以最优等生(Summa Cum Laude)取得文学学士学位,后于1993年在加州大学伯克利分校法学院(Boalt Hall)取得法学博士学位。毕业之后,乔律师以合伙人身份在芝加哥的一家律师事务所工作10年,期间专注移民法律服务。2004年,他来到中国,开始了他在中国的法律工作。
乔律师持有美国加利福尼亚州律师资格证。 是美国移民律师协会(AILA)的成员,并担任中国美国商会签证委员会的现任联合主席。

212(d)(3)(A)(i) Nonimmigrant Visa Waivers, Los Angeles County Bar Association, F-1 Student Visa Demystified (Aug. 2020)
APAC Consular Tips from the “Boot on the Ground,” American Immigration Lawyers Ass’n Bangkok District Chapter Annual Conference (Taipei, Feb. 2020)
Nonimmigrant Visa Consular Processing: The Basics, American Immigration Lawyers Ass’n Annual Conference (2019)
Immigrant Visa Isues: China and Beyond, AILA Bangkok District Chapter Annual Conference (May 2018) (presentation with the Immigrant Visa Chief at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, focusing on inadmissibility due to membership in or affiliation with the Chinese Communist Party)
Consular Post Communications in Complex Client Situations, in AILA, Immigration Practice Pointers 723-730 (2017) (co-authored by Lynn Marie Lee, Daniel J. Parisi, and Edward Rios)
Guide to EVUS Enrollment for Chinese with 10-Year B1/B2 Visas, 22-7 Bender’s Immigr. Bull. 01 (2017)
EVUS Enrollment Required for Chinese with 10-Year B1/B2 Visas, AILA Bangkok District Chapter Newsletter (Dec. 2016)
“Do’s” and “Dont’s” for Attorneys Representing Visa Applicants, in AILA, Immigration Practice Pointers 835-848 (2016-2017 ed.) (co-authored by Liam Schwartz, Kehrela Hodkinson, and Poorvi Chothani)
Fun and Games: Immigration Issues in Entertainment and Sports, in AILA, Global Immigration Forum Handbook (2016) (co-authored by Marco Mazzeschi, Marcel Reurs, and Hardeep “Dee” Sull)
It’s Still OK to Deal Hands-on with an Unrepresented I-864 Joint Sponsor, AILA Bangkok District Chapter Newsletter (Jan. 2016)
Global Compliance: Securing Appropriate Immigration Status in China, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria and Russia, in AILA, Global Immigration Forum Handbook (2015) (co-authored by Jill Marie Bussey, Rebecca Cortes, Kunle Obebe, Yoshio Shimoda, and Alexander Titov)
PRC Work Visa Issues for Young Professionals, American Chamber of Commerce-China presentation (May 14, 2015)
Chinese Communist Party Membership or Affiliation: Inadmissibility, Exceptions, Security Advisory Opinions, and Waivers, AILA Bangkok District Chapter Annual Conference (Mar. 2015)
The Mona Lisa of Visa Reform: Both Sides Are Smiling, But Unknowns Remain, American Chamber of Commerce-China Business Now Magazine 21 (Dec. 2014) (on the US-China visa reciprocity agreement)
Marriage Visas: Are Couples’ Sex Lives Fair Game During the Interview? AILA Bangkok District Chapter Newsletter (Nov. 2014)
The B-1 Business Visa–How to “B” Resourceful, AILA Web Seminar (Oct. 23, 2014) (with Jared Leung and Lynn Marie Lee)
Getting Schooled: How Immigration Law Issues Affect Kids Enrolling in International School in Beijing, American Chamber of Commerce-China Business Now Magazine 15 (Sept. 2014)
Technology and a Global Immigration Practice, in AILA, Global Immigration Forum Handbook (2014) (co-authored by Poorvi Chothani, Andrea Elliot, and Liam Schwartz)
Chinese Communist Party Membership Makes Some Ineligible for U.S. Green Card, AILA Bankgok District Chapter Newsletter (Dec. 2013)
Visa Policy, in The American Chamber of Commerce—China White Paper (eds. 2007-2013) (co-author)
EB-5 Visa Options for Chinese Investors, presentation at Qingdao, China (March 29, 2013)
New Visa Appointment System at the U.S. Mission in China, AILA Bangkok District Chapter Newsletter (Mar. 2013)
Visa Law in China and Hong Kong, presentation to the AILA Global Migration Section (Feb. 27, 2013)
Show-and-Tell: Outlook and OneNote as Practice Management Software, Immigration Practice News, AILA (Jan. 2013)
New Exit-Entry Law Enacted in China, AILA Global Migration Digest (Sept. 2012)
B-1 Visitor for Business Visas: Permissible Business versus Labor, presentation at the American Chamber of Commerce—China (June 15, 2012)
Visas for PRC Companies Doing Business in the U.S., presentation at Hangzhou, China (Apr. 11, 2012)
The U.S. Embassy in Beijing, in The Consular Posts Book (2009-2010) (ghostwriter)
The U.S. Consulate in Shenyang, in AILA, Visa Processing Guide and Consular Posts Handbook (2009-2010).
The U.S. Consulate in Shenyang, in AILA, Visa Processing Guide and Consular Posts Handbook (2008-2009).
Latest in Consular Processing, web seminar sponsored by ILW.com (Apr. 10, 2008)
How Colonial History Shaped the U.S. Constitution, lecture at University of Politics and Law, Beijing, China (Apr. 2007), and Nankai University, Tianjin, China (May 13, 2005)
J-1 Waivers for Physicians, presentation to the Chicago Bar Ass’n Immigration Law Committee, Chicago, Illinois (Mar. 28, 2003)
Legal Ethics for Immigration Attorneys and Accredited Representatives, presentation at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center / Illinois Coalition for Immigrants’ and Refugees’ Rights 6-Day Training for Legal Workers, Chicago, Illinois (Nov. 18, 2002)
Bibliography of Labor Certification Resources Online and In Print, in Navigating Tempestuous Seas: Permanent Labor Certification in a Changing Economy, Chicago Chapter of the AILA (Nov. 7, 2002), reprinted in AILA, Annual Midwest Regional Conference (Mar. 7, 2003)
Adjustment of Status Portability under the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act, 40 The Globe (Illinois State Bar Association) 6-10 (Oct. 2002), available at http://www.illinoisbar.org/sections/International/10-02b.htm#gen2
Challenging the Immigration Judge’s Entry of an In Absentia Order, in Proceedings of the AILA Midwest Conference, Chicago, Illinois (1998)
Immigration Law: Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity, in Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual (Columbia Human Rights L. Rev. 3d ed. 1992) (co-authored by C. Reynolds, D. Rizzo, A. Cameron)
Fighting Immigration-Related Job Discrimination: What Workers and Employers Need to Know (ACLU 2d ed. 1993), at http://www.aclu.org/issues/immigrant/discrim.html (co-authored by Lucas Guttentag)