Guide to Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status

1. Introduction

Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status, is designed to serve as a person’s abandonment of status as a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States.

Many persons are under the mistaken belief that simply because they have moved abroad or their green cards have “expired” they are no longer LPRs for tax purposes. This is incorrect. Just moving abroad or allowing a green card to expire does not constitute abandonment of LPR status for tax purposes.[1] But that can be accomplished by filing a Form I-407.

Of course, if you abandon LPR status, you will no longer have the benefits of being an LPR. For example, any petition you filed for your family members before you give up green card will be deemed abandoned; you may no longer be eligible for certain financial aid for higher education; and it may be more difficult to qualify for a home mortgage in the U.S. So, think carefully before giving up your green card.

1.1 Reasons for Abandonment

There are several reasons that a person may want to abandon lawful permanent resident (LPR) status:[2]

Tax avoidance: An LPR is taxed on their worldwide income.[3] In addition, there are financial reporting requirements, such as the requirement to file U.S. Department of the Treasury FinCEN Report 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBARs) if the LPR has an interest in or signing authority for foreign financial accounts with an aggregate value of $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.

Avoiding Immigration Court:

  • An LPR who resides outside the United States on a non-temporary basis may be refused admission by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and referred to an Immigration Court for a removal (deportation) hearing on the basis that he or she has “abandoned” LPR status.[4]
  • A Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card (“green card”) is only a valid entry document for an LPR who has been abroad for under 1 year. Thus, an LPR abroad for longer may be refused admission on the basis that he or she lacks a valid entry document, even if he or she has not abandoned LPR status. Similarly, an LPR who has applied for and received a reentry permit but who remains abroad past its expiration date, which is a maximum of two years, lacks a valid entry document.[5] In such situations, the LPR may be referred for a removal hearing.

Avoiding the cost and hassle of maintaining LPR status: For an LPR spending significant periods abroad, it may be expensive and inconvenient to keep the ties to the U.S. which would be necessary to avoid abandonment of LPR status, such as periodic trips to the U.S., filing applications for reentry permits[6], and maintaining links such as real estate, insurance, and investments in the U.S.

Family Reunification: One difficulty of being an LPR is that there are long wait periods under the State Department Visa Bulletin for you to sponsor for a green card a spouse you married or a child born abroad[7] after you immigrated. If you have a way to quickly re-immigrate to the U.S., such as through the EB11 extraordinary ability, EB12 outstanding researcher or professor, or EB13 multinational manager or executive category, you may be able to abandon LPR status then re-immigrate simultaneously with those relatives. Similarly, if you may be eligible for an H-1B specialty occupation or L-1 intracompany transfer visa, you may be able to abandon LPR status and then apply for such visa, at which time your relatives may qualify for dependent visas.

Curing a Defect in Prior Immigration: If an individual previously was granted LPR status by the government erroneously when he or she did not qualify, such individual may be at risk of rescission of the LPR status and may not be eligible for naturalization. Abandoning LPR status and re-immigrating may solve the problem.

1.2 Will You Be Eligible for a Nonimmigrant Visa?

Persons who abandon LPR status do not automatically qualify for B1/B2 (visitor for business or pleasure) visas or for entry to the U.S. under the visa waiver program. One requirement for such visas or entry is that you prove “nonimmigrant intent,” meaning strong ties to your country of residence such that you are likely to return home in compliance with the terms of the visa or the visa waiver program. Filing an I-407 may assist in proving nonimmigrant intent for a B1/B2 visa but is not sufficient evidence. The applicant must have other evidence of ties to his or her home country such as a home, job, investments, and/or social ties. For more about proving nonimmigrant intent, see Proving Nonimmigrant Intent for a U.S. Visa. Also see our firm’s Guide to B1/B2 (Visitor for Business or Pleasure) Visas and read about the Grounds of Inadmissibility.

1.3 Will You Be Eligible to Re-Immigrate In the Future?

Abandoning LPR status does not impact a person’s eligibility to re-immigrate in the future. However, a person must be eligible and must go through the same process as when they initially immigrated.

1.4 Related Topics Not Covered Here

Protecting Your Permanent Resident Status During Stays Abroad: In some cases, it may be possible to preserve your LPR status during a prolonged stay abroad. For more, see Best Practices for Protecting Your Permanent Resident Status.

Naturalization: In some cases, naturalization in the U.S. may be an option to solve the problems of avoiding Immigration Court, avoiding the cost and hassle of maintaining LPR status, or family reunification. For more, see Guide to Naturalization in the United States.

2. Exit Tax Issues

As an immigration lawyer, I am not an expert on tax rules. I strongly suggest that you seek advice from an accountant or tax lawyer knowledgeable about exit tax issues before making a final decision about whether and when to file a Form I-407. We can provide a referral.

An “exit tax” is payable by certain long-term residents (LTR). An LTR is an individual who has been an LPR in at least 8 of the 15 tax years ending with the tax year in which LPR status is abandoned. An LTR is subject to an exit tax if she (i) has a net worth over $2 million, (ii) paid U.S. income taxes averaging over $147,000 for the prior five years, or (iii) does not certify on IRS Form 8854 that she complied with all U.S. tax obligations for the five prior years.[8]

Under the Exit Tax provisions, the individual is subject to tax on the net unrealized gain on all of their worldwide assets as if such assets were sold for their fair market value on the day before the expatriation date. Special rules apply for pension plans and trusts.

Other gift and estate tax implications also arise upon expatriation.

Please provide our firm with a summary of the advice you receive from the accountant or tax lawyer.

3. Procedures for Voluntary Abandonment

3.1 Where to Apply

A Form I-407 may be filed in person or by mail with any of the following agencies:

  • USCIS Eastern Forms Center: This office accepts I-407s by mail.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection: An I-407 may be filed with CBP at a port of entry. If the CBP officer believes that an individual has abandoned LPR status, the officer may offer to allow him or her to enter as a nonimmigrant for a temporary period if the individual is willing to file a Form I-407.
  • A USCIS international field office or U.S. embassy or consulate abroad: In “very rare circumstances,” one of these offices may accept a Form I-407, such as if you are a diplomat with a need to expeditiously obtain an A or G visa.[9] A U.S. Embassy or Consular officer abroad will only accept an I-4507 with approval of the State Department in Washington, DC.[10]

3.2 Completing the Form

The Form, at Part 1, Item 10 asks the individual to “state the reasons for abandoning lawful permanent resident status.” A typical answer is simply, “I do not live in the United States.”

By signing the form, a person certifies that:

I knowingly, willingly, and affirmatively declare that I have no intention of residing permanently in the United States, and that by signing and submitting this form, I intend to record the fact that I have knowingly and willingly abandoned my lawful permanent resident status in the United States. I have been informed of, and I understand my rights to a hearing before an immigration judge about whether I have abandoned my lawful permanent resident status in the United States. By signing and submitting this form, I knowingly, willingly, and affirmatively waive my rights to such a hearing.[11]

3.3 Documents Needed

The Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card (“green card”) needs to be surrendered, unless lost or stolen, with the Form I-407. Any unexpired reentry permit must also be surrendered.

If the LPR is under 18 years old, the minor’s parents, custodial parents or legal guardians must sign and consent to submitting Form I-407. If there is only one legal parent, that parent can sign Form I-407. However, that parent must submit proof of having sole legal custody or proof showing that any other parent has either died or had his or her parental rights legally terminated. A guardian must submit documentation showing they have legal custody or other authority to sign for the minor.

There is no government fee to file the I-407.

3.4 Disposition

Filing an I-407 and surrendering the green card constitutes abandonment as of the date the I-407 is “filed” for both tax[12] and immigration purposes.

The exact I-407 filing date is important for tax purposes. For an I-407 filed with USCIS Eastern Forms Center, the IRS regulations recommend filing by “certified mail, return receipt requested (or a foreign country’s equivalent thereof).” [13] IRS will also accept certain classes of delivery by designated delivery services,[14] including but not limited to FedEx International (priority, first, or economy), UPS (worldwide express or worldwide express plus), or DHL Express Worldwide.[15]

Keep a copy of your Form I-407 and proof that it was mailed and received. That way, for tax purposes, the mailbox rule applies: the I-407 is considered “filed” upon mailing, not receipt. Otherwise, the I-407 is deemed “filed” as of receipt.[16]

The officer will accept the Form I-407 only if the officer determines the individual is truly, willfully, and voluntarily abandoning lawful permanent resident status.

If you mail the I-407 with the USCIS Eastern Forms Center, it will be accepted only if the form is properly completed in English and signed. You will receive a Confirmation Notice in writing from USCIS. USCIS’ goal is that processing times will be within 60 days,[17] but the process may take longer. The Confirmation Notice may be preceded by an email with similar content.

Text, letter

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USCIS Confirmation Notice for Filing of Form I-407

If you file the I-407 with CBP, a USCIS international field office, or a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad, the officer should return your permanent resident card, with the Form I-407, to the relevant USCIS office for review and inclusion in your immigration file.[18] The officer should complete Part 3 (“For Government Use Only”) and provide you with a copy of the final I-407 as proof of filing.

DHS is required to provide the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with the names of individuals who choose to abandon their LPR status.

The I-407 is generally irrevocable.[19] Once you have abandoned LPR status, you cannot get it back without applying for LPR status anew. Therefore, individuals should give careful thought to abandoning LPR status.

3.5 Keep a Copy of the I-407

Keep a copy of your I-407 and proof of filing. Carry it with you when applying for a nonimmigrant visa, boarding a flight to the U.S., or entering the U.S.

Copies should also be included in the former LPR’s U.S. tax return for the year of abandonment.

4. Conclusion

Our law firm is available to assist clients in evaluating whether to file an Form I-407 and in preparing the application.

  1. To be considered to have abandoned LPR status for tax purposes, in the absence of filing an I-407, the status must have been either rescinded by USCIS or taken away by an immigration judge or federal judge. Treasury Regulations §301.7701(b)-1(b)(1).

  2. See generally Elaine M. Kumpala, Clayton E. Cartwright, Jr., and Cyrus D. Mehta, Why Would I Want to Abandon Lawful Permanent Resident Status or Relinquish U.S. Citizenship, AILA Midwinter Conference Handbook (AILA 2016); Laura Donohue-Liban, Consequences of Voluntary Relinquishment of U.S. Citizenship and Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status, 21-9 Bender’s Immigr. Bull. 2 (2016)

  3. 31 C.F.R. §§1010.306(c) and 1010.350(a).

  4. See generally Gary Chodorow, Green Card Holders Staying Abroad Over 6 Months Risk Abandonment (Jan. 31, 2017),

  5. In certain situations, CBP may grant an LPR a waiver of the valid entry document requirement.

  6. Applications for reentry permits must be filed while in the United States, and biometrics appointments in connection with such applications must normally be done in the United States.

  7. But see 8 C.F.R. § 211.1(b) waiving the immigrant visa requirement for a child born during the temporary visa abroad of an LPR mother if the child seeks admission to the U.S. within 2 years of birth and is accompanied by an LPR parent who is applying for their first return to the United States after the birth of the child.

  8. IRC § 877A.

  9. USCIS, I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status (Aug. 21, 2019); 9 FAM 202.2-8(c)(10).

  10. 9 FAM 202.2-8(c)(7) (Apr. 29, 2020).

  11. Form I-407 (Mar. 31, 2017).

  12. 26 C.F.R. § 301.7701(b)-1(b); IRS Publication 519 (2018).

  13. 26 C.F.R. § 301.7701(b)-1(b).

  14. 26 U.S.C. § 7502(f).

  15. IRS Notice 2016-30, Designation of Private Delivery Services,

  16. 26 C.F.R. § 301.7701(b)-1(b).

  17. USCIS, I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status (Aug. 21, 2019); USCIS, USCIS Will No Longer Accept I-407 at International Offices (June 17, 2019).

  18. AILA-DOS Liaison on I-407 Procedures (Oct. 9, 2014),

    AILA Doc. No. 14101042.

  19. But see Matter of Wood, Case No. A24 653 925 (BIA Jan. 13, 1992), reported in 69 No. 16 Interpreter Releases 512-14 (Apr. 27, 1992) (notwithstanding surrender of card and statement, respondent did not intend to abandon LPR status).

6 responses to “Guide to Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Is the date of abandonment the date on which form i-407 is postmarked or date of receipt or date of processing? It’s important if individuals are close to the eight years as LPRs. It may already be too late for 2020.

    1. Gary Chodorow Avatar

      Andrew: See n.12 and accompanying text.

  2. Michael Magyarossy Avatar
    Michael Magyarossy

    Interesting article. I was sent as a child of a LPR at the age of 12 to pursue studies in Europe and returned to the US at age 19. At the port of entry in 1988 I showed my green card and was asked to fill out form 407. The green card was taken and I was only allowed to enter as visitor. Through a recent FOIA request I found that this form 407 was never signed by me or an immigration officer. It only contained my contact information. Since I was nevermore admitted as LPR based on this event is it worth fighting for an invalid 407? It is of relevance because my mother had naturalized when I was still 13y.o.

    1. Gary Chodorow Avatar

      Sounds like it’s worth exploring the facts in more detail with our firm or another immigration law firm.

  3. Cath Avatar

    My 20 year old japanese national daughter chose to stay and live in Japan and asked me to file an i407 and signed on her behalf because she said she can not live here due to a language barrier and because of culture shock. My question is on her behalf can I fill out and signed the i407 form? Do I need a letter consent from my daughter that she is allowing me to file the i407? Because she is in Japan

    1. Gary Chodorow Avatar

      Cath: As mentioned above, the Form I-407 may be filed with USCIS by mail, so there’s no need for your daughter to be in the U.S. to file the form.

      A parent or legal may sign on behalf of a child who is under age 14. A legal guardian may also sign on behalf of a person who is mentally incompetent. A person with a durable power of attorney may sign on behalf an incapacitated individual. Otherwise, an individual must sign their own USCIS form. See 1 USCIS Policy Manual B.2 at 1 USCIS-PM B.2.

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